Portrait Klaus KellerKlaus Keller

Hodgson Distinguished Professor of Engineering

Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College

Hanover, NH 03755, USA
+1 (603) 646-3481

Research in my group addresses two interrelated questions. First, how can we mechanistically understand past and potential future changes in the Earth system? Second, how can we use this information to design scientifically sound, economically efficient, and ethically defensible climate risk-management strategies? We analyze these questions by mission-oriented basic research covering a wide range of disciplines such as Earth  science, engineering, decision science, statistics, economics, and ethics.

Current Lab Group
(please email me if you are interested in joining the lab group)

Example projects

·       HEALED: Health Effects of Deep Decarbonization

·       ICOM: Integrated Coastal Modeling

·       MACH: Megalopolitan Coastal Transformation Hub

·       PCHES: Program for Coupled Human and Earth Systems

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